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Latest News

Welcome Dawid Kozy Przyjaciel to Eloria! πŸ‘‹
🌟 Total Gathered Elden Souls: 211 / 1000

23.7.2024 News Icon Changelog 23/07/2024

Changelog 24/07/2024

1. Adjusted Extraction wave system.

2. Fixed message error while using !reward command.

3. Fixed map bugs

4. Added much more HTP tokens to the task board

5. Fixed !tools command

6. Fixed on level up animation and added TELEPORTS text on the main teleporter

7. Soul bag price in RT shop has been reduced from 400RT --> 300RT

8. Fixed imbu lever shop prices

9. Added !pz command

21.7.2024 News Icon Changelog 21/07/2024

Changelog 21/07/2024

1. Increased spawn rate x1 --> x2

2. Added free destruction items for players who reach level 200

3. Added !reward command for free daily exercise weapon

4. Added percentage potions that can still be upgraded with Drinking Upgrade

      Percentages applicable to Ultimate Mana Potion, Ultimate Spirit Potion, Supreme Health Potion and Strong Mana Potion

      Upgrading Tier still works the same, each tier additional 100 Mana/Health   EXAMPLE:  1000 percentage health gain + Tier 3 drinking upgrade = 1300 health per use.

5. Buffed and scaled diamond arrows.

6. [OTCLIENT] Fixed a bug affecting the dusts item in the roulette system, ensuring smooth functionality and proper item handling.

7. [EXTRACTION] Reduced Protector damage by 70%

20.7.2024 News Icon Free for All!

Hi everyone!

I’m back from my holiday and excited to share some updates. I will be adding more content to Eloria and making changes to improve gameplay.

As a thank you for playing on Eloria, I will be giving away 7 days of Elden Blessings for free until 27/07/2024. Just PM me on discord the nickname of your character to get it. @tomasz1337

Stay tuned!


Today's boosted

Creature of the Day
Boss of the Day
The Armored Voidborn

Today's Event

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Players: 8